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Nursing Foundation Lab

The role of the nurse includes assuming the lead in preserving nursing practice and demonstrating its contribution to the health care of our nation. More importantly, nurses require the ability to know how to apply best evidence in practice to ensure the best out comes for their clients. As a caregiver the nurse needs to meet all health care needs of the client, including measures to restore emotional, spiritual & social well- being.

“No amount of verbal description can set forth adequately the visual appearance of an equipment so that the students can comprehend what it looks like” Chinese proverb says,

“If I hear ,I forget

If I see , I remember

If I do, I know”

By having this thought in the mind ,we set-up the nursing fundamental lab of nursing which cover 1500 Sq.ft and it is equipped with all modernized equipments like CPR Manikin, adjustable cots, electro blood pressure monitors etc. It has both surgical & non –surgical instruments which provides stimulus to the students to practise and demonstrate the Nursing procedures in a real set-up. This lab helps teachers to demonstrate various basic procedures like bed making, sponging, mouth care, which are related to personal Hygiene for human well-being as well as advanced techniques like Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Nebulization, Cardiac signs monitoring for life saving practice.

Our Library

Since every field of knowledge necessitates the securing of facts and ideas from reading of the printed page ,skill in reading is one of the most important tolls of learning for the nursing students. Our college Library is well ventilated and, lighted occupies 300 sq. ft of built up area. Seating facilities of the Library enhances the peaceful reading & writing process, which induces self directed or directed study. Our Library books cover all the specialities of Nursing like Medical, Surgical, Obstetrics & Gynecology (OBG),Community Health, Mental Health, Pediatric and other Medical related books such as Medicine, Surgery, Nutrition, Anatomy physiology, Psychology, Sociology, Microbiology, English, Computer and Encyclopedia which are recently published and edited. We have 26 Journals including National, International and general Journals. These help to students and Teachers to get up- to- date current knowledge .

Hi-Tech. Computer Lab.

The field of information technology is like a sea where nothing can be obtained sitting at shore. More deep is our dive , more pearls we get. The quality of health care will improve exponentially not only because of Computer aided diagnosis and Management but because of an overall improvement of efficiency .We have a Hi-Tech Computer Lab with the provision of 20 computer sets & well furnished with separate tables & revolving chair for every single student. The Wi-Fi Internet connection is available 24 hours for the students & staff to surf the Internet for getting the latest information on their desks. It enables them to attend Medical conferences and CME programmes without leaving to anywhere. The students are given coaching & practice to possess the basic knowledge of computers which is the most important aspect in the current trends of Nursing.

Audio Visual Aids Lab.

Audio-Visual aids are instructional devices in which the Instructional message can be heared as well as seen. It provides dynamic learning experience and makes it more concrete, realistic, clear. It establishes co-relation and co-ordination of various concepts in respect of their interpretations and appreciation. It gives incentive to the students to make learning effective , interesting, inspirational , meaningful and vivid. We have audio-visual aids lab which has the capacity of 50 seats. The available materials in our lab are television, Over-Head projector, LCD projector, tape recorder, DVD player and opaque projector for explicating & increasing the meaningfulness of abstract concepts. They provide significant gains in informational learning, retention, recall, thinking and reasoning activities, interest, imagination, better assimilation and personal growth and development.

Anatomy & Physiology Lab

Anatomy & Physiology encompasses a body of knowledge that is large & complex. Students are provided an opportunity of knowing and understanding a multitude of individual structure and function in real situation. Our lab has been designed in such a way that the students can acquire a taste for knowledge about the wonders of the human body. Concrete experience helps to combat the tendency of abstractness. So we have set up the anatomy lab with full of models, female & male torso, male & female skeletons, loose bones of human being (male& female), pediatric skeleton, charts of all human body system and human organ specimens . They help to illustrate the anatomical view of the human body. Our anatomy lab helps to make learning more meaningful & permanent by providing a concrete basis for conceptual thinking by its contents of Models & Specimens.

Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing Lab

In the world mothers and children constitute a priority group. In sheer members they comprise approximately 70% of the population by the developing countries. Nursing care is changing to single room maternity care in which women labors, gives birth and recover in the same room (LDR-Labor-Delivery-Recovery) ,(LDRP- Labor-Delivery-Recovery-Postpartum) and couplet or mother-baby care. So the nurse must have thorough knowledge about Obstetrics and Gynecology which deals with the pregnancy, delivery and reproductive system diseases and disorder and practical skills for rendering care to the client. Our Obstetric & Gynecology (OBG) lab is furnished with all the necessary and needed instruments which enhance the practical knowledge & skill of students. Our lab is equipped not only with delivery kits ,delivery table, delivery dummy, obstetrical instruments like different vaginal speculums, outlet & inlet forceps, vulsullem uterine sound, currettes, Dilatation & Curettage sets, venthose set and ultrasonic doppler for fetal monitoring, but also with cross sectioning of female & male reproductive system models. various malposition & malpresentations of labour models & charts. Technologic explosion has made the present obstetric knowledge & practice significantly different compared to the past but our OBG lab is equipped & updated along with modern obstetrics.

Pediatric Nursing Lab

Pediatric Nursing – caring for children (1-18 Yrs.) has always been challenging but has become increasingly more complex as the 21 st Century marches on. The pediatric lab contains models related to congenital anomalies of newborn, pediatric cots, newborn intubations models, play materials according to age wise, pediatric dummies and growth & development charts. The charts give the picture & description of major developmental milestones and characteristics of newborn toddler, preschooler, school-age child, adolescent. Health promotion strategies charts which say about height & Weight sleep, rest , activities, dental health, safety & injury prevention are also placed in the pediatric lab. By providing separate lab for pediatric nursing we try to impart the knowledge of “atramautic care” which emphasizes the care that minimizes or eliminates physical & psychological distress for children & their families in the health care environment. Our lab helps to develop professional pediatric nurse who takes responsibilities for providing tender loving &holistic health care to the children and families.

Micro Biology & Biochemistry Lab.

Microbiology is the study of Micro organisms and it helps to the nursing students for early identification of diseases by doing various diagnostic measures and thereby prevention of diseases and proper utilization of treatment modalities. The through knowledge of Microbiology is essential to every health care worker due to lab diagnostic of infectious diseases, revolution of vaccine production with development of recombinant DNA technology, polymerase chain reaction, nucleic acid probes, radio immuno assay and ELIZA. Biochemistry is perhaps the most fascination subject and it deals with the chemical language of life be it, human, animal, plants or micro organism. The lab is set-up on the basis of educational technique (i.e.) Laboratory Methods in which the term is applied originally to the workroom of the Chemist, a place devoted to the experimental study to testing, analyzing, preparing various chemical materials. To implement the Dewey’s philosophy of learning by doing in our Micro Biology & Biochemistry lab, we have equipped the lab with all the chemical solutions , microscopes, test tubes, purettes conical flasks, washing brushes and running water facility. We also possess all the slides which show different types of morphology of pathogens for visualization and to acquire acknowledge by the students.

Nutrition Lab.

Food and nutrition are important for human being during health and disease. Our lab is designed to provide the beginning student with the knowledge of the fundamentals of nutrition related to the promotion and maintenance of optimal health by stressing the practical application of theoretical knowledge. We have equipped laboratory with all utensils, cookers, cutleries, dining sets & glasses, gas cylinders, gas stoves, washing facilities, refrigerators, micro-wave oven, mixer , grinder and groceries that enriches teaching and demonstrating the student nurses to learn the nutritional requirements and preparation of food according to caloric values. It provides opportunities to the student nurses to get learning experiences in challanging situation at first hand and further to translate theory into practice to develop & apply principles to learn methods of cooking. This lab helps to follow simulated teaching technique where theory & practice can be combined.

Community Health Nursing Lab.

Community Health lab is equipped sophistically containing verity of models, community bag, charts etc. as per requirement of Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi. The students nurses get community training under the charge of experienced tutors posted in PHC, Dhudi Ke, PHC, Bandni Kalan and PHC, Lopon with Institutional motto :-

* Prevent disease * Promote Health * Be Health Conscious *

Multipurpose Hall

Babe Ke Institute of Nursing has a grand and well furnished multipurpose hall where various academic, cultural and research oriented activities and programme are organized for bringing excellence in teaching learning process to produce devoted and skilled nurses.

Lecture Halls

We have 12 lecture Halls each one has about 1080 Sq.ft, area having the capacity of setting for 100 students. All the classrooms are equipped with green & white boards , notice board, Dias and podium for the lecturer , fans for aeration and lights for good illumination. A sincere effort is made to corporate all the norms of infrastructure by Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi for the purpose of instructions, their clarification or the explanation of facts, principles or relationships.

Faculty RoomS

Faculty room for Nursing Tutors who are qualified for teaching to A.N.M., G.N.M.,B. Sc.(N), Post Basic B.Sc.(N) has been furnished with moderate facilities where members of the faculties discuss on curriculum transaction and curriculum development.

The quality of our faculty’s substantive teaching information includes a balance treatment of theory and application which enhances nurses ability to meet the challenges confronting the profession and addresses strategies for promoting the health of the people.

What Our Happy Students Say!!!